Sunday, May 5, 2013

Things That Make Me Uncomfortable

This is the prompt for the Blog Every Day for day 2 or 3.  Since I started late I won't do all of the prompts, but I'll do this one, and maybe one other that I missed, then get back on track.


1. Silence.  But only silence when I'm with people I'm meeting for the first time, or that I'm still getting to know.  I once had a friend that said one of the things she liked most about her now husband while they were first dating is that they could go on long car rides without saying anything to each other--just sit in silence.  This is so not me...I would be going crazy thinking of stuff to say!  Especially if I was in the newer stages of dating...oh no no no.

2. Other people's family fights.  Before I was married I really worried about taking my guy home to meet my family.  We have our share of problems.  I thought he would take one look at them and run for the hills.  I was legitimately afraid of bringing my future spouse home to meet my wacky, abnormal family.  I was so convinced that I was got a bum deal, and that everyone else's family was just fine and mine was crazy.  But as I meet more people (and their families) I realize that EVERYONE has issues in their families.  Almost everyone comes from a "crazy" family.  But that doesn't change the fact that I get uncomfortable being around said families while they're having a "crazy-moment".  When it's happening I try to will myself to just melt into the furtinure.  How do you get out of a situation like that?!

3. Parents yelling at young kids.  Everyone says you'll do things you never thought you would when you have kids of your own, but I certainly hope yelling in not one of them.  Especially in public.  The other day I saw a dad or grandpa yelling at his two young (under 5) boys in the parking lot of our apartment complex.  I wanted to scream out at him to stop yelling at his kids.  It makes me so sad and angry.  If you're bold enough to yell at your kids in public, you're probably doing it a lot inside the walls of your own home.  He was yelling at them to get out of the car faster or something, and I'm pretty sure they decided to move slower because of it.

4. The hubs rambling in public.  I never noticed it until recently, but he has a tendency to ramble and never get to the point of whatever it is he's trying to say.  He does this when semi-important people are talking to him.  I'm not even kidding, sometimes he'll stop talking mid-sentence.  Or he'll take 10 minutes to answer a yes or no question!  I'm not even making this up!  It makes me uncomfortable because I don't know why he does it.  He's very smart and articulate.  In fact, I would say speaking in public is one of his strong points.  Lately, I've taken to chiming in and answering questions for him.  Sometimes I worry what happens when I'm not around...

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