Thursday, September 26, 2013

This Girl

When Liliana cries or has a snotty nose I bring her into the bathroom, take a little toilet paper and wipe her nose.  The first couple times she didn't like it (as I assume most kids do)...but now she doesn't mind it.  In fact, I may go so far as to say she likes it???

Another thing she loves is taking a shower.  We have a stand up shower in our room, and she loves playing in the shower--even when the water is off.  If I'm in the bathroom, she'll come in and get in the shower.  I feel that is a little dangerous so I never leave her alone it in the bathroom when she's in the shower (no matter if water is on or off).  For that reason we keep the bathroom doors closed.  But the other day I we were in my bedroom playing, and I left the room to get something.  In the 2-3 minutes that I was gone, I come back and found Lili "blowing her nose" with almost all of the toilet paper.  And sometimes she gets confused and puts the toilet paper up to her hair instead--I don't know what she's doing.  When she's done she'll put the "used" tissue in the trash (she LOVES throwing things away).  Needless to say, I tried to salvage some, but then I gave up.  I feel like her love of toilet paper could be a good thing when we're potty training, as I could say something like, "we only use toilet paper when we sit on the potty."  Who knows.  I've never potty trained anyone and I don't plan to do it with her anytime soon.

