Saturday, September 11, 2010

My New Camera

I would hope this post would be all about my new camera...but I don't actually have a new camera to gush about...You see, no matter how financially stable you were before you got married, after you have no extra money to spend. haha...or at least that's how I think it works.

I bought a Cannon 4MP camera 5 years ago that has served me well. It was cutting-edge when I bought it, but now, 4MP seems so out dated. But truthfully I would keep the camera and use it but recently the flash stopped working. (It's probably something that's easily fixable.) So I figure my only recourse is to buy a new one. So I'm doing what any normal person that's strapped for cash would it off of ebay! I've been checking ebay for the past week for a good deal on a nice camera...and by nice I mean 6MP...haha...well, we'll see what happens. I'm sure I'll get one eventually...then I'll post tons of awesome pictures on here! =)

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