Ten Things That Make Me Happy
In no particular order:
1. Cookies! (and Brownies!) I love, love, love homemade cookies. Nothing makes me more happy then to eat homemade cookies. I prefer the classic chocolate chip cookies or oatmeal chocolate chip. But the MUST be made with milk chocolate chips! I seriously don't get why everyone doesn't make chocolate chip cookies with milk chocolate chips. I think the argument is that it will make them too sweet. To that I say, not possible.
2. My baby girl. She'll be a year old next month. It's hard to believe I've had a baby for a year now. She's cuter and smarter then any other baby I know. (I'm completely biased.) She is the best baby I could ask for. She is sooo happy all. the. time. It makes me really happy and life pretty easy.
3. Psych. Shawn and Gus. The ultimate duo. The show is entertaining without being inappropriate. It's silly, clever, and lighthearted. I love it. Before we knew we were having a girl, with toyed with the name Gus or Shawn...yes, this show makes me smile!
5. Basil. I can't explain it exactly, but I love basil. The smell, the taste...everything. Tomato and basil is a GREAT combination. Pesto is also one of my favorite sauces. Basil is the best!
6. Fall. The changing of the leaves, the brisk air, the cooler weather, the lingering sunshine...it's a great time of year.
7. A really good book. Sometimes I have months between books because I'm afraid I'll start something that turns out to be no-good. It's a weird excuse, I know.
8. Church. My religion. Having something to believe in. Hope.
9. My little family. The fact that I have a little family. The hubs, the baby, and hopefully more babies...
10. Grocery Shopping. I love walking up and down each aisle trying to figure out if I really need another bag of chocolate chips. (I'm a hoarder of chocolate chips...I just never want to run out! The hubs won't let me buy them if he's with me...so I buy double when he's not around. My cupboard is bursting with a double-digit amount of chocolate chips...I love it!)
6. Fall. The changing of the leaves, the brisk air, the cooler weather, the lingering sunshine...it's a great time of year.
7. A really good book. Sometimes I have months between books because I'm afraid I'll start something that turns out to be no-good. It's a weird excuse, I know.
8. Church. My religion. Having something to believe in. Hope.
9. My little family. The fact that I have a little family. The hubs, the baby, and hopefully more babies...
10. Grocery Shopping. I love walking up and down each aisle trying to figure out if I really need another bag of chocolate chips. (I'm a hoarder of chocolate chips...I just never want to run out! The hubs won't let me buy them if he's with me...so I buy double when he's not around. My cupboard is bursting with a double-digit amount of chocolate chips...I love it!)
Why is she growing so fast! It doesn't seem like a year at all, but this next year will be so fun to watch everything she learns. She is beyond adorable!!