Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Another Post

Okay, now I'm just picking and choosing which prompts I actually do!  Haha...The hubs is off for the week so I haven't been doing much of anything.  I didn't even workout yesterday!  But we did go to the zoo, and Liliana loved it!  She's been do the zoo several times, but this was the first time she's been old enough to sit up in the stroller and also walk around.  The weather was perfect too.  We'll definitely be going a lot more this summer.  (Have I mentioned that the Omaha Zoo is easily in the Top 3 best zoos in the country??  It's amazing.)

Well the post/prompt I chose for today is: What do you miss? (a person, a thing, a place, a time of your life...)

A Time and Place I Miss...Sort Of

I have a pretty good life right now, and there's no one that isn't in my life that I wish was--does that make sense?  But there are certain aspects of my "pre-life" that I miss.  I grew up in So. Cal. and lived there until I was 25, and I loved it...so I miss that.  I miss the fabulous weather--all year-round.  I took that for granted, I think.  I didn't realize the rest of the country didn't have it as good as I did when it came to weather (and everything else).  Seriously.  Some times I think I grew up in a bubble.  I was blissfully unaware of the rest of the country, or rather I just thought the rest of the country was like California.  (Turns out, it's not...)  I miss living close to the beach (and mountains), being near some of the best shopping (hello South Coast Plaza and The Beverly Center), and I miss being on the cusp on all things Entertainment.  In Utah (where I went to college) the Pop radio stations played TuPac...from 1995!!!  They played some crazy old stuff...

Anyway, that's actually not the part I was going to say I missed.  When I was 21 I moved from Long Beach to Orange County (from there I lived in several parts of Orange County: Brea, Placentia, Anaheim, others)...I had a good job (that I didn't love, but it paid the bills and then some), I had great friends, and a fun life.  I miss going to Bagel Me in the mornings to get a whole-wheat bagel (I love all things whole wheat or multi-grain...I always have) and a root beer.  I did that almost every weekday morning for a couple months straight--at least!  I miss going to the gym...going to several gyms.  There are tons of 24 Hour Fitness gyms in California...that's not true almost anywhere else in the country!  Sometimes I miss being able to go where I want when I want.  I don't miss the traffic of So. Cal., but I got used to it and figure it took at least 30-45mins to get anywhere.  For the record, without traffic it took 15 minutes to get from my home to work.  I miss living close to In-n-Out.  

I miss a lot about California and Orange County...but I like where I'm at now.  It's not bad, just different.  But I'm really starting to feel like where I'm at now is home.


  1. And I know you especially miss your roommates! And we miss u too! I'm glad you are ding well and loving your life but feel free to come visit Orange County anytime! I'll buy you a bagel or some in n out!

  2. wish we lived closer and could babysit for each other...if wishes were fishes!

    1. yeah...we've met some great people out here, but it'd be nice to have some familiar faces too! =) P.S. Update your blog! I want to read about what's going on with you guys! =)


