When I was pregnant with Liliana it was so surreal. Everything was new and exciting and scary! I loved being pregnant, and I worried all the time that something, anything would go wrong. (Nothing did, in fact I had a textbook pregnancy and delivery--but that didn't stop the worry.) But because of the worry I didn't document anything. I waited until the last minute to purchase baby items, maternity clothes, pick names, etc. I didn't want something to go wrong then be stuck with the reminder of all the baby clothes for my lack of baby........it was irrational. I think a little worry is healthy. But trust me, I take the worry to another level.
After she was born, I vowed to make a list of things I remember for the next pregnancy, so I could do it differently. I'm sure "not worry so much" would be at the top of the list. But as many new mothers know, time goes quickly and before I knew it a year had passed since she was born. As a result, I don't remember those things "for the next one" like I used to.
Some of the things I remember I wanted to do differently include:
1. Try not to gain as much weight. With Liliana I gained (gulp) 35 lbs. I ate anything and everything I wanted--it showed. =) I was able to lose all the weight and then some by the time she was 4-5 months old, with little exercise and a regular diet. I chalk it up to breastfeeding. Actually it was around that time (4 months post-partum) that I did start working out slowly.
For the next one, I told myself to try not to gain as much weight. I was really wanted to not gain weight in my face--although I think that's unavoidable once I get to the third trimester.
2. Workout--longer. I wish I would have been more detailed on my workouts with Lili. I know I was able to run until 32 weeks with Liliana, then it got too uncomfortable. I did the ellipitical for a while, but I pretty much say I stopped working out at 32 weeks.
For the next one I hope to keeping running until at least 36 weeks. I also did prenatal pilates the first time around, and for the next one I hope to do it more regularly.
3. Try not to worry so much. Nope, not a chance. I think I probably told myself not to worry about every pain or lack-of-pain with the next one, but there's no way I cannot worry. The first trimester is the worst, because I feel at any second something could go wrong--and I wouldn't know, because you can't feel the baby and I don't really feel pregnant. Look, I know that doesn't make sense, and a lot of my "worryings" are unfounded. But I wouldn't be who I am if I didn't worry. I'd like to try to worry less though.
4. Take more pictures...of me...of my growing belly. This is one that I need to do period. Take more pictures. I was looking through all of my pics and there are tons of cute little Lili, but hardly any of me and Lili or my husband and Lili and there certainly aren't any of all of us together. As for when I was pregnant with her, I think I have one picture from when I was 6 months along, and a few from when I was 8 and 9 months...that's it.
For the next one, take more pictures...of people (us). I'd like to have visual documentation of my growing belly. It would have been so nice to be able to compare my belly the first time around with my belly the next time around.
5. Be a cute pregnant lady. Towards the end (what I remember most) I think I just looked frumpy--in fact I know I did. And lazy. I slept a lot, and didn't really go out much. I didn't have many maternity clothes, and it was so hard to find cute ones. I mostly wore my husband's old t-shirts (until those got to be too small). I wore my regular pants (unbuttoned of course) until about 8 months, then it was men's basketball shorts and other things with elastic waistbands. I gave up.
For the next one, I want to look cute! Yes, I realize that's on me. I need to take the time to do my hair and put make-up on, but I'd also like to find cute maternity clothes!
**I guess this post will be a work-in-progress. As I think of more things I wanted to do differently I'll document them. But I gotta tell ya, the more time that passes the harder that's going to be.**