Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Growing Up

I'm sad to report that I have to downgrade my perfect baby...she's now just a pretty good baby.  When she wants something, she lets you know she wants it NOW!  It's rough...I didn't realize "it" would be starting so soon!  And I've come to realize that what once was sufficient to entertain her is not enough these days.  That idea reminds me of a talk given by President Eyring...but that's a whole different topic.  So lately I've been trying to come up with activities to keep her busy.  Luckily, Omaha in the summer has tons of stuff to do!  We've been to the Children's Museum, the library, splash pads, various story-times, and of course--the zoo.

I went to the zoo by myself--on a Saturday.  That was not the smartest move.  It was busy and hot.  At first I took her around to various animal displays, but when she showed little interest in looking at the animals, I just let her do what she wanted to do--play and watch people.  Oh, and her favorite thing was to push the stroller (she loves pushing anything...strollers, grocery stores, toys, etc.)  But we were way on the other side of the zoo when Liliana decided she no longer wanted to be there.  At that very same moment she decided she would not go back in the stroller.  As she's screaming and arching her back trying to get away, all I can do is smile and wave at the onlookers.  Oh well, that's life.  It took a long time, but we finally made it out of the zoo and into our car. 

It's interesting how I learn as she grows.  She's very active and always wants to be doing something.  She still sleeps great at night, but she is not loving nap time anymore.

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