Friday, May 25, 2012

Pregnant in Tulsa

Sometimes I wish I was more of that girly-girl that wore make-up everyday, or even did my hair everyday, and dressed nice.....well, I'm not.  I generally look presentable--except that has changed since I've been pregnant.  Moving to Tulsa our stuff is everywhere...we're staying at Adam's aunt's house for a few weeks because Adam's dad's house has too many occupants at the moment.  As a result, most of our stuff is at his dad's house (packed away) and a small amount of stuff is at his aunt's house.  I'm not even sure where all the baby's stuff is...which is SUPER annoying.  (But I think I have enough stuff to get us through the first days and couple of weeks of her being born.  Oh, and the only usable mirror at the place we're staying is down a big staircase in another bathroom.  My big pregnant self avoids walking up and down stairs as much as possible, so I rarely do my hair and make-up.  And my face is sister and brother remind me of that on a regular basis.  And it's hot in Tulsa--and slightly humid.  Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining per se, but I am making excuses for the way I look!  haha...I've already told Adam, for my next pregnancy I'd do things a little differently--looks wise.

But, overall I'm very happy to be here, and everyone (especially Adam's aunt) has been VERY good to me/us. Adam works Monday thru Friday so I only see him at night.  I'm pretty much left by myself all day to figure out things to do...but with Adam's whole family here it's easy to keep busy!  Some of the things we've been doing are going berry picking, swimming, going to baseball games, hanging out, etc.

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing ur prego belly! You look cute even without ur hair or makeup done! I really like the shot of ur bazooms!!!


