So I mentioned that we live with Adam's aunt in their beautiful home. We are staying upstairs and I have to travel down a big staircase everyday. Last Sunday I was making my way down the staircase and halfway down I lost my footing and fell down the stairs. It was very scary and Adam came running to see what happened. I fell mostly on my back (and have the bruises to prove it) but I hit my belly a little too. I was VERY VERY worried something may have happened to the baby, but after the initial shock and pain I felt okay. And I felt the baby move like normal. But as I sat in church I became more and more worried (that's what I do...worry about EVERYTHING!). So when we got home I called the on-call doctor and they said to go into Labor and Delivery--just to be on the safe side. So I did. It's the same hospital I will deliver at, so it was kind of nice to see how everything would go--kind of. Everyone was so nice. They hooked me up to a heart monitor and movement monitor (both for the baby) and monitored me for hours. They did blood work and an ultrasound just to make sure everything was okay with the baby and the placenta. Everything came back fine. Our baby is perfectly healthy and active. The ultra sound was nice to have because we haven't seen her on the ultrasound since the 20 week anatomy scan! The ultrasound tech said that she is about 5 1/2 lbs at the moment, she also confirmed that we are definitely having a girl, and she said that the baby has hair! Pretty exciting! I can't wait to see what she looks like! We were at the hospital about 7 hours. It was nice to spend that time with Adam too. He was so great! Towards the end he was getting cold, so he got in bed with me. Cutest thing ever!

I'm glad everything is ok. Those pics are so sweet!
ReplyDeleteThat would have been scary! I am glad all was well and that you got to see your baby girl again. Can't wait to see her and all her hair!