Friday, May 25, 2012
I slipped on a banana peel

Pregnant in Tulsa
Sometimes I wish I was more of that girly-girl that wore make-up everyday, or even did my hair everyday, and dressed nice.....well, I'm not. I generally look presentable--except that has changed since I've been pregnant. Moving to Tulsa our stuff is everywhere...we're staying at Adam's aunt's house for a few weeks because Adam's dad's house has too many occupants at the moment. As a result, most of our stuff is at his dad's house (packed away) and a small amount of stuff is at his aunt's house. I'm not even sure where all the baby's stuff is...which is SUPER annoying. (But I think I have enough stuff to get us through the first days and couple of weeks of her being born. Oh, and the only usable mirror at the place we're staying is down a big staircase in another bathroom. My big pregnant self avoids walking up and down stairs as much as possible, so I rarely do my hair and make-up. And my face is fat...my sister and brother remind me of that on a regular basis. And it's hot in Tulsa--and slightly humid. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining per se, but I am making excuses for the way I look! haha...I've already told Adam, for my next pregnancy I'd do things a little differently--looks wise.
But, overall I'm very happy to be here, and everyone (especially Adam's aunt) has been VERY good to me/us. Adam works Monday thru Friday so I only see him at night. I'm pretty much left by myself all day to figure out things to do...but with Adam's whole family here it's easy to keep busy! Some of the things we've been doing are going berry picking, swimming, going to baseball games, hanging out, etc.
Leaving Utah
I don't exactly remember how or why we even started talking about leaving Utah--I mean we knew we were going to leave once Adam got accepted into law school, but that wouldn't have been until August. Plus, I figured since I was pregnant we would just stick out the summer in Utah, I would have the baby, then we would move. Somehow it didn't happen that way. After many, many, MANY, discussions (sometimes arguments) we decided the best thing for our growing family was to leave Utah as soon as Adam finished school...which was the first week in May. I had to quit my job early--which I DID NOT want to do, and we had to make all the preparations to have the baby in Tulsa, Oklahoma!!! Yes, that's right Oklahoma. It's where Adam's parents live. We made the decision for a couple reasons...1) to save money. We can live rent-free with Adam's family. 2) We will also have the support system of Adam's family when we have the baby. In Utah we have no one, and both of our families would have to travel to see the baby...and 3) We were both a little tired of Utah (although it's funny now, because towards the end we kept saying things that we'll miss about Utah. It was definitely an adjustment for both of us when we moved out there--we didn't know each other back then--but the good ol' state of Utah grew on us and knew that we would miss it when we left).
So, we sold all of our furniture, including our very old school TV (for a whooping $25) and we packed up all of our stuff (well, we had to leave a chunk of it behind because it didn't fit!) and loaded it in both of our cars (it was more economical to not rent a U-Haul) and headed east, to the mid-west. But it wasn't that easy...nothing in life ever is...leaving behind some good stuff sucked, but we were left with little options. And we had to ship 6 big boxes worth of stuff too--didn't plan on that either. Oh, and did I mention we had a car fiasco a couple days before we were supposed to leave. That set us back a couple hundred dollars and 2 days in packing and getting ready. That was no fun at all. So with that in mind, and all the packing trouble Adam and I were not in any mood to be happy about the situation. (Did I mention it took me MONTHS not to HATE the idea of us moving before the baby was born?)...Adam's mom came out to lend a hand and drive with me in the remote possibility that something might happen to me or the baby as we drove across the country.
After a late start on Saturday we finally got on the road...this was the only picture that was taken right before we left. We were both in really bad moods and it definitely shows in this picture. (That makes me a little sad.) It was cold and rainy and we hadn't really slept in days.
I would like to say that once we got on the road everything worked out...but it didn't...the car ride was rough and I'm pretty sure my baby girl didn't want to be in a car any more than I did...however, we were able to stick to our plan and make it into Omaha, NE (that's where Adam is going to law school) and check out some really great apartments. Hopefully, we'll have something all set up by the time we move out there in August. But eventually we did make it to Tulsa. And we're here now. It's been an adjustment for me (probably more so than Adam)...I had to transfer insurance and find a new doctor that would take me this far along (35 weeks at the time)...luckily we've been very blessed to have a "normal" first pregnancy with no real complications. It's been a sacrifice at times, but so far everything has worked out. There are times when Adam and I wish we had our place to hang out in, but we're grateful for a loving family who allows us to crash in on their space. We are truly blessed to have such kind and giving people in our lives.
So, we sold all of our furniture, including our very old school TV (for a whooping $25) and we packed up all of our stuff (well, we had to leave a chunk of it behind because it didn't fit!) and loaded it in both of our cars (it was more economical to not rent a U-Haul) and headed east, to the mid-west. But it wasn't that easy...nothing in life ever is...leaving behind some good stuff sucked, but we were left with little options. And we had to ship 6 big boxes worth of stuff too--didn't plan on that either. Oh, and did I mention we had a car fiasco a couple days before we were supposed to leave. That set us back a couple hundred dollars and 2 days in packing and getting ready. That was no fun at all. So with that in mind, and all the packing trouble Adam and I were not in any mood to be happy about the situation. (Did I mention it took me MONTHS not to HATE the idea of us moving before the baby was born?)...Adam's mom came out to lend a hand and drive with me in the remote possibility that something might happen to me or the baby as we drove across the country.
After a late start on Saturday we finally got on the road...this was the only picture that was taken right before we left. We were both in really bad moods and it definitely shows in this picture. (That makes me a little sad.) It was cold and rainy and we hadn't really slept in days.
I would like to say that once we got on the road everything worked out...but it didn't...the car ride was rough and I'm pretty sure my baby girl didn't want to be in a car any more than I did...however, we were able to stick to our plan and make it into Omaha, NE (that's where Adam is going to law school) and check out some really great apartments. Hopefully, we'll have something all set up by the time we move out there in August. But eventually we did make it to Tulsa. And we're here now. It's been an adjustment for me (probably more so than Adam)...I had to transfer insurance and find a new doctor that would take me this far along (35 weeks at the time)...luckily we've been very blessed to have a "normal" first pregnancy with no real complications. It's been a sacrifice at times, but so far everything has worked out. There are times when Adam and I wish we had our place to hang out in, but we're grateful for a loving family who allows us to crash in on their space. We are truly blessed to have such kind and giving people in our lives.
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