My uncle (my mom's only brother) still lives there too. He's an incredible guy. He's very handy and willing to help anybody! Adam's car needed some work so after breakfast on Saturday we went over to Uncle B
rett's house and he totally fixed Adam's car. Brett has every tool imaginable! Seriously! And he lives by a junk yard so he can go and get any car parts he needs--he has all the tools and equipment to take it off the junk car and put it on the car he's working on. It was actually pretty impressive!
While Adam and Brett worked on the car I played with Uncle Brett's grandson. He's five and doesn't get to play with a lot of kids his age that often. He has a lot of energy--as much young boys do. H
e really liked Adam! He didn't want me to push him on the swing he wanted was cute...then the little boy came up with a brilliant idea (all on his own). He took this rope and tied it around himself and pretended that he was my dog. He even went so far as to tie himself to a cement slab. That was towards the end of the day and I was getting tired of having him tied up was perfect! lol

The kid also made this contraption and trapped Adam on it. If he moved it would fall over.

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