I'm still trying to figure out this blog stuff...I look at everyone else's blog and they're so cute and creative (and I'm sure they are designs that they downloaded somewhere) but I can't figure out how to make mine super cute. Oh well, I like mine anyway.
So, we think someone close to us has an eating disorder. She's stick thin and rarely eats. (I guess that would explain the thin part). As I told Adam about her, he interrupts me and tells me how happy he is that he'll never have to worry about that with me...because I like eating to much, he says. haha. it's true. I could never have an eating disorder...I like food. So with that in mind, when work is slow we have nothing else to do, but cook stuff...when we're just hanging out at the apartment, waiting for jobs, every hour or so I turn to him and ask him what he wants to eat now...we're always eating it seems. (Luckily we workout everyday--else we'd probably weigh 300lbs!).

And a few weeks ago we were working in Wilmington, NC. It's right on the beach! It's 2 hours from where we live so we stayed in a hotel the time we worked there. We went to the beach frequently and it was awesome! I love California and the beaches there, but the water and the beach in Wilmington were soooo nice! Plus, it helped that it was 100 degrees outside, so the water was extra refreshing! Anyway, Wilmington also has an aquarium. One friday we woke up early (before the reps went out) and drove to the aquarium. It was cool looking at all the fish and sea life and white aligator! However, the aquarium in NC doesn't even compare to the one in Long Beach or Boston! But we had fun all the same!

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