This post is a little late...we were married on April 17th, 2010...so for our 1 year anniversary we celebrated on the 16th, which was a Saturday. I wanted to do something a little special to make it stand out from all the other days. We were planning to go to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. It is hands down our favorite restaurant, but it's a bit pricey...(everything is pricey when you're first married). So I had this Groupon for this place in Salt Lake that looked okay online...plus the coupon for it helped, so we decided to go there. Oh, and we were going to see a play at the University of Utah after so it just worked out to go to this place in Salt Lake. Well, we drove out there and after walking around Trolley Square looking for the place we found it...we walked in and it was a seedy bar! And the bar part wasn't even the worst part (they had TVs showing the NBA playoffs) but it was that the guy behind the counter was rude and so was the server. Luckily Adam forgot his wallet in the car with his ID (this was a bar, after all). So we decided to go somewhere else. But we were running short on time before the play so we decided to go eat after, and we stopped at Smith's to grab some snacks...mostly candy. After walking all over the University of Utah (in heels) looking for the Babcock Theater we finally found it and luckily we bought our tickets beforehand because the show was apparently sold out and people were waiting to take the seats of people that didn't show up! (Who know "MacBeth" was so popular?) The play was okay. The acting was okay. It's Shakespeare and so it makes it a little harder for people to understand the language, so the line delievery was crucial and sometimes I felt like the lines could have been delievered better. But overall it was good. It was late when the play was finished and Adam was full of candy so he longer wanted to go to the Cheesecake Factory....so we went to the next best place (that was open after 10pm)...Denny's! We both hadn't been there in YEARS! It was cheap; not too many people were there. Needless to say it was a fun night of entertainment and greasy, cheap food. Adam wants to make a tradition out of it! =)