For Christmas break we went down to Adam's family's house in Tulsa, Oklahoma. It's an 18 hour drive and it was better for me than it was for Adam. He did 90% of the driving and I slept for a good portion of it!

The drive back we got caught in a snow storm in WY and had to stay the night in a hotel, then I got sick so it was no fun!

But we had a ton of fun while we were out there! We did so many fun things! We were always going somewhere or visiting someone! So fun! One day we went to the Tulsa Zoo and it was way cold! It didn't snow, but it was really cold the whole time we were there. The zoo was nice because it felt like it was our zoo! We were nearly the only ones there!

Unfortunately, because it was so cold some of the animals wanted to be warm too, so we didn't get a chance to see them! But we did get to see some pretty cool things!

I think by far the highlight of our time at the zoo was when we went to see the snow leopards! They were adorable! I just wanted to take one home with me! It was the mom and her two babies! And they were soooo playful with each other! We stood and watched them play for a long time! I thought it was so cute that their paws

were so fluffy! And they had really long tails! We also saw some rhinos! They were huge! AND one came so close we could touch him! (Although we didn't) It was so neat to see him so close up like that!